A cinematic journey of overcoming the odds...
For individuals and groups of less than 50 attendees, please use the General Ticketing Platform where you can view theaters & showtimes in your area.
Simply click on the button below starting July 4th when tickets go on sale.
Want to make the biggest impact in your community? Host a Theater Takeover Night (approximately $15,000.00 - 30,000.00 or 1,000 - 2,000+ seats). This results in buying out every ticket at your local theater multiplex so that everyone in every auditorium in the entire theater is watching REAGAN during your time block. This very rare event results in creating enormous buzz in your community, attracts local media attention, and shines a light on your organization(s), sponsor(s) and guests! Entire theater takeover events are only available for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (August 21-28).
To inquire about a Entire Theater Takeover, email our Events Team here.
Questions in general about Group Tickets, email our Groups Team here.
Whether you’re looking for a block of tickets or to rent out an entire theater, watch the movie together BEFORE the release (between August 21-29) by purchasing 50 or more tickets. Here are your next steps:
1. Click on the button below to be directed to our Group Sales Platform in a new window. This is for groups of 50+ attendees only.
2. Fill out the form to request a quote & submit. A representative will be in touch with you within 48 hours.
Looking for tickets to see the REAGAN movie starring Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller & Jon Voight at a theater near you? You’re in the right place!